Kendra's Kosmos
You're feak # to visit the Kosmos since Feb 1, 1997!

Last updated May 28, 1998.

Now in Ebonics and Valley Girl too!

The above links only translate this page, not the links. But to translate web sites try AltaVista, or Ebonics translator, or this rad 80s site that has a Valley girl translator on it!

Hi. I have a few other pages I've done too! I tend to start new ones without finishing old ones! This is probably going to be the personal page that I keep up though! Check out my old page and the FoLC Map Web Page I'm always working on but never up to date with. I also made a page for my school's clubs. Most recently I put together a site for fellow Class of '97 XCP girls. Go check it out!

My Kool Links and Pages!
About Me!!! See what I have to say about my friends or click on a person above and visit one of my friends' web pages! Look at some pictures of me and my friends! Then go see our senior and prom pictures or other misc. pics


My friends and I started a band! This page is still in the works, but there are a few pics up.
My Family- my cousin's site, and my brother's site too.


Movies that I've seen lately, most recent are first, and what I have to say about them.
Info about the name Kendra!!!
My Favorites!! Favorite Words- admit it, you have some fave words too!


Fave Comic Strips
Fave TV Shows - Old and New faves. What I watch, and maybe someday I'll elaborate on why..
Cool, Good Looking Actors/Guys who play nice guys and who I can't find on the Web My Favorite Movies


Music that I'm into right now!
Kool Links! Neato fun sites to keep yourself unbored!! I haven't gotten around to adding much to this yet, but if you're bored right now, and I don't see how you couldn't be.. go play on Yahoo!!

Pretty interesting stuff huh? Well look back again whenever you get bored. Until then.. have fun. If you wanna talk to me, you can find me on an undernet irc server in #loiscla. Look for Kendraa.. Or find me on ICQ. I won't bother puting my UIN up here because I have faith you can find me if you genuinely want to.

BTW, email me if you know any good K-words. Thanks Jon (Gabri-El) for the Kosmos idea!

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